Funny Jokes For Girlfriend

No matter how long you have been in a relationship, making your girlfriend laugh is always a great way to show her that you care. Whether it’s through funny jokes or silly pranks, having a sense of humor can definitely go a long way in any dating relationship. Here are some of the funniest jokes for girlfriends that you can use to lighten up the mood and make her smile!

Best Girlfriend Jokes

  • What did the banana say to the grape? Nothing, because it’s too shy to talk to its crush!
  • Why did the female zombie break up with her boyfriend? He just wasn’t that into Braaaiiinnnsss!
  • What do you call a girl who always knows what she wants in a relationship? A goal-digger!
  • What did one boat say to the other boat when they passed each other on a date night? Canoe even?!
  • Why don’t scientists date women anymore? Because they can never figure out their hypotheses!

Tried and Tested Girlfriend Jokes

Girlfriend jokes are a great way to break the ice and get a laugh when you’re out on a date. Whether you’re at dinner or just hanging out, these tried-and-tested jokes will get your date laughing in no time. Here are some of our favorite girlfriend jokes:

Q: Why did the girl cross the road?
A: Because she wanted to get to her boyfriend’s house without being seen.

Q: What do you call two birds in love?
A: Tweethearts!

Q: What did the boy squirrel say to the girl squirrel?
A: I’m nuts about you!

Q: How does a man show he’s planning for the future?
A: He buys two cases of beer instead of one.

Tips for Telling Girlfriend Jokes

When it comes to dating, humor is key. Telling your girlfriend jokes can help break the ice and show her that you have a great sense of humor. Here are some tips to help you tell your girlfriend jokes with confidence:

  • Choose Your Jokes Wisely: When telling your girlfriend jokes, it’s important to select ones that won’t offend her or make her feel uncomfortable. Try to stay away from crude jokes or anything that could be taken the wrong way.
  • Timing is Everything: Timing is crucial when telling a joke- especially when trying to impress someone new! If she’s in the middle of telling a story, wait until she finishes before inserting your joke into the conversation.

When to Avoid Telling Girlfriend Jokes

When it comes to dating, it is important to be mindful when telling jokes about girlfriends. Not only can these jokes be seen as disrespectful, but they can also give the wrong impression of your character. It is best to avoid telling girlfriend jokes in a romantic setting, especially on the first date.

Instead, focus on getting to know each other and finding topics that both of you find interesting and funny. This will make for conversation that establishes a meaningful connection between the two of you. is a great dating app for finding funny jokes for your girlfriend. Whether you’re looking for the perfect pun, an old-school dad joke, or something more romantic and heartfelt, has it all! With its easy-to-use search engine, you can quickly find something that will make her smile and laugh out loud. The mobile version of the app also makes it easy to send your girlfriend a hilarious joke no matter where she is in the world. is definitely worth checking out if you’re looking to add some laughter into your relationship!


If you’re looking for a dating app for funny jokes to share with your girlfriend, Shag is the perfect place! This app offers an extensive library of hilarious one-liners and puns that will surely make her laugh.

Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate so you can quickly find something to share with her. So don’t hesitate, download Shag today and start cracking some jokes!


We can all agree that the Rubmaps app is a great way to find potential romantic partners and even funny jokes for your girlfriend. This online dating service has become increasingly popular amongst daters of all ages, genders, and backgrounds who are looking for someone special. But is it really the right place to be finding funny jokes for your girlfriend?

The answer is: it depends. While Rubmaps certainly does have its share of users who use the app strictly as a means of finding potential dates, there are also plenty of users who use it primarily as an avenue for funny jokes. Some users on Rubmaps have even created their own unique humorous content specifically tailored towards their fellow daters.

So if you’re looking to find some fresh new material to make your sweetheart laugh, Rubmaps could be a great place to start!

However, just because there are people on Rubmaps who like to joke around doesn’t mean that everyone should feel obligated or pressure into doing so themselves! If you don’t feel comfortable sharing jokes with other users on this app then that’s totally okay – no one should ever be made to do something they don’t want to do in order to please others.

What tips can you offer for making a first date successful?

Making a first date successful requires some preparation and effort. A great way to make sure your date goes smoothly is to come up with some funny jokes or conversation starters that you can use to break the ice. This will show your date that you are confident, witty, and easy-going. Pick topics that you both have in common so it’s easier to get into an interesting conversation. You could also bring up current events, share anecdotes about yourself, or ask questions about each other’s hobbies or interests. Be sure to put away any distractions such as phones and focus on getting to know each other better!

What are some fun activities couples can do together to build a stronger bond?

Building a strong bond with your partner can be incredibly rewarding and fun. One of the best ways to do this is to share some laughs together. A great way to do this is by telling funny jokes for your girlfriend. Make sure they’re appropriate, but don’t be afraid to get creative! You can even make up your own silly stories together or try out an improv game like “The Chair Game” where you both take turns coming up with short skits or scenarios involving a chair in the room. Another great idea is going on a “date night scavenger hunt” where you have clues that lead you around town looking for items and experiences that will bring you closer as a couple. No matter what activities you choose, having fun together will help build a stronger bond between the two of you!